Our Views on Equities
Outlook Charts
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Trade Uncertainty Increases Market Volatility
Trade Uncertainty Increases Market Volatility
Economic Expansions and Bull Markets
Economic Expansions and Bull Markets.
Businesses Still Showing Plans for Robust Spending
Businesses Still Showing Plans for Robust Spending.
Economic Forecasts
Economic Forecasts.
U.S. and Emerging Markets Lead Earnings Growth
U.S. and Emerging Markets Lead Earnings Growth.
Midyear Outlook 2018
Six decades of earnings growth peaks suggests that it took an average of about four years from a profit growth peak before the economy slipped into recession…
Midyear Outlook 2018
A look at the last five economic cycles shows that once the yield curve flattens (represented by a spread reaching 0.5%) the time to recession averaged almost four years…
Midyear Outlook 2018
Over the last five economic cycles, expansions continued for nearly four years (on average) following an ISM manufacturing peak…
Midyear Outlook 2018
PDF of the charts featured in our Midyear Outlook 2018: The Plot Thickens…